Saturday, August 15, 2009

The Mantra: A Six Part Series

What is The Mantra?

Glad you asked.

For the past few years I have been working on a series of short(ish) pulp novels of stand-alone stories that are intrinsically interconnected to make a much larger, more layered story. The macro story will be the primary plot of the sixth and final book, ingeniously titled, The Mantra.

What makes this idea particularly unique and commercially viable, (I hope), is the non-commital nature of the series on the part of the casual reader. In other words, one need not read all of the books, or read them in any particular order since each is completely seperate and only interacts with the others sparadically and superficially. However, put together, the reader is treated to a far more nuanced, multi-faceted saga. Further, depending on what order the individual books are read, the narrative will unfold slightly differently.

Sound interesting?

I hope so.

Anyway the first book, (to be written), in the series is currently in the hands of The Writers Network Screenplay and Story Competition, (as well as a few close friends) and is entitled, Minutemark. Soon I'll post a brief synopsis and perhaps offer a little taste.

It's a fairly big project, I realize. I'd love to hear what you think. Feel free.


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