Sunday, September 6, 2009



I've just finished the first, very rough draft of issue #1 of A.R.M.O.R., the new soon-to-be-online comic I'm working on with a good friend and collaborator, (and one hell of an artist). This is all very new to me so I can't say with certainty just how smoothly the process will go when all is said and done but I can say I feel damn good about where we're at with it right now.

In preparation, and for sheer inspiration, I've delved into all sorts of great comics and stories, among them, the extremely enjoyable Buffy The Vampire Slayer: Season Eight, penned by many of the landmark series' talented writers, among them creator and comic book god, Joss Whedon. If you're a fan of the TV show, (or even if you're not), I highly recommend you check these out.

Also, and more recently, I've emersed myself in 100 Bullets, the pulp-crime masterpiece by Brian Azzarello and Eduardo Risso. I've decided to get back to issue one there too, (even though I've read it before, many moons ago), and it's been a blast. Again, I urge anyone looking for a great comic experience, or just a plain old good story, to look for this classic Vertigo title. It's well worth your time.

Ok, getting back to A.R.M.O.R...

Issue/Chapter One is being drawn as I type and my grand master plan calls for three more to follow in semi-rapid succession, or as soon as life allows. Together, these four issues form the uber-origin story of, what we hope, will be a mind-blowing, new take on the classic costumed hero.

All things being equal, it should go up on within the next two or three months, and any place else that seems a good fit. Also, we'd love to put it into a more traditional print format, but let's not get too far ahead of ourselves.

From there, who knows?

For now, need sleep.


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