Monday, June 21, 2010


Greetings gang,

Hope everyone had a good daddy day. Mine was extra special.

It's Monday and I find myself gearing up for another week of writing, pitching and networking like mad. I have to admit, the latter skill has often proved rather a tricky challenge for me in the past. I guess I've just grown accustomed to the solitary pursuit of my career goals and getting out of that habit can be anywhere from mildly disorienting to downright excrutiating.

Perhaps you can relate.

I suppose this percieved weakness in my game has a lot to do with my latest strategy of focussing primarily on creating a mastermind. What is a mastermind, you ask? Well, succinctly, a mastermind consists of two or more people of like-mind working together in harmonious pursuit of a common goal. The key terms here are "like-mind" and "harmonious", without which, one will only find themselves swimming upstream - not a pleasant experience, believe you-me.

The term was originally coined in Napolean Hill's infamous "Think and Grow Rich" and is singled out as the key ingredient to any successful endeavor. If you haven't read it, (or heard of it; where have you been?), I highly recommend you pick up a copy today. There are litterally thousands of different versions floating around out there, all of them very cheap, (and some even free). I like to listen the audio book on my Ipod myself. Here's a link to where you can find it, and tons of other FREE EBOOKS that will blow your mind. Seriously, this site is da bomb! (Do people still use that expression?)

Anyway, I've been concentrating pretty hard on obtaining like-minded representation over the last several months for my various works and whatnot. My hope is that a good agent who believes in me and shares my enthusiasm will work on my behalf and afford me some much needed leverage. Makes sense, right? Obviously. But before you can have what you intend, a comprehensive plan to obtain it is a must, followed by continuous, persistence. ACTION, people. Don't forget about action.
So whatever your goals, I strongly urge you to get out there and pursue them with confidence, and hopefully a healthy dose of humility, which goes a long way. Trust me.

Here's a cool video from a pretty cool site,, that's all about the all-important mastermind.

Please cheack it out and let me know what you think.

Good look, and happy hunting.


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