Wednesday, October 28, 2009

IFOA - Toronto

Just thought I'd do some 'traditional' blogging for a change, seeing as I've dominated this space with excerpts of my own glorious work. Too bad sacrasm translates to these things so poorly, otherwise I might not have to point it out and, thus, rob it of it's sting.

Anyhoo, I wanted to give a big shout-out to the International Festival Of Authors, or IFOA, held here in Toronto from October 21-31, which makes it almost over for another year, (it's 30th for those of you counting). Aside from various workshops, award ceremonies, and photo-ops, there are readings held every night from four noted authors and/or poets, followed by a book signing. It's a great way to celebrate the fine art of writing and power of the written word and all that fun stuff, plus it can be a good, relatively inexpensive, to say nothing of alternative, night out.

Last night I went down to Harborfront, where the events are held to check out a reading and it was pretty cool. Hosted by author, Ian Rankin, (who is reading tonight, incidentally), it featured four Scottish authors, namely, Denise Mina, promoting her book, "The Dead Hour"; William Deverell, reading from his new book, "Snow Job", (hell of a title); poet, Dani Couture, reading from her latest compilation, "Good Meat", (interesting title); and my personal fave, crime writer extraordinaire, Michael Connelly, reading bits from his latest Harry Bosch caper, "Nine Dragons."

All of them were quite good and seemed eager to be there, although I can't imagine those sorts of readings are entirely unnerving. Still, I suppose if you've done a whole bunch it's all fairly routine, maybe even fun. I wouldn't mind being on that stage myself someday, providing I have something worthy to share. Suffice it to say, a good time was had by all. The line up for signing was atrociously long so I actually went down to the pier and wrote a little for my upcoming masterpiece, (where's that sarcasm button again?), "Impetus," Book Two of the still-pending saga, The Mantra. Book One, "Minutemark" will probably end up here at some point.

All for now. Check out the festival if you can, while you can. If not, there's always next year.


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